Our main goal is to build digital solutions that engage their users. We work scrupulously on each project to create unique and user-friendly products.
We create comprehensive web and mobile solutions. We focus on no-code solutions that are definitely easier to edit and scale later, but we also provide traditional, WordPress-based projects.
We define design and business assumptions. We verify their correctness. We also designate a target group and create user personas. Then we select the implementation technology appropriate for a given project.
We outline the concept of the project. We create user paths and the structural skeleton. We juxtapose materials and analysis results. We introduce the necessary changes by creating a comprehensive action plan.
We start designing User Experience (wireframes). We consider functional scenarios to create a complete picture of a given project. After completing the work on UX, we move on to working on the visual aspect of User Interface.
We conduct tests with users at various stages of the project. Verification of assumptions is an important factor that affects the functioning of the product in the future. It also gives a better perspective on the planned development of functionality.
After completing the previous stages, we move on to the implementation of the project. Depending on the technology selected, this process may vary. We try to base on no-code solutions that allow for free editing in the future.
The constant need to improve internet / mobile solutions means that we create development scenarios and adding functionality. We make sure that our solutions are timeless and continuously engage users.